World Editors


Doing more with less:the new newsroom challenge

All Forum sessions will take place at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre.
Simultaneous translation will be provided in English, Spanish, French, German and Arabic.

In these times of economic crisis, welcome to India and its booming newspaper industry. Even here “doing more with less” is becoming the motto for a majority of editors.

Indian newspapers are not only worth watching for their circulation and growth records. They can also teach us a great deal from a content point of view. At the 16th World Editors Forum in Hyderabad, editors from across India and South Asia will tell us how they have launched new titles with new concepts, and why online traffic is not a threat to print editions.

And because Hyderabad is a major hub for online and mobile technologies, we will also learn more about e-newspapers, e-readers and mobile journalism…

In June 2008, 500 editors-in-chief and senior news executives joined us in Gothenburg, a record for the World Editors Forum. Our goal in India, a record-breaking country, is to set another WEF record by surpassing that number. For this reason, we have adapted the 2009 Forum to better conform to your requests by:
– Shortening the presentations, while adding more of them;
– Adding more panels compared to presentations;
– Scheduling social events with a broad range of Indian business personalities;
– Paying greater attention to ethical issues in the digital age.

We hope to see you there on Monday 30 November 2009 when, following a joint morning session with the World Newspaper Congress, we will welcome you in the afternoon at the WEF Editors Cocktail Party. As mango is the king of fruit in India, be sure to ask for our special Alfonso Mango Cocktail!

All Forum sessions take place at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre.

Monday 30 November

9h30 – 12h30
Joint round tables with the World Newspaper Congress:


The Annual Press Freedom Round Table


The Annual Digital Media Round Table


The Annual Young Reader Round Table

(the round tables are open to all participants and will take place at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre)

Free registration to all roundtables for conference attendees

17h00 – 18h30
Editors High Tea and Welcome Cocktail
Editors meet Editors meet Editors meet…
A networking event for all Editors participating in the Forum
Presentation of the 2009 World Editors Partnership Programme for editors from emerging countries
At the Convention Center Ballroom

Welcome Reception with the World Newspaper Congress 

Tuesday 1 December

First editors breakfast
8h15 – 9h30

WEF meets Indian editors
Working breakfast with national and regional Indian editors-in-chief
With the Indian Guild of Editors and BBC Monitoring
Attendance limited to pre-registered participants
First floor of the Convention Centre, Entry 1.02

Opening ceremony 10h00 – 12h00

Joint session with the World Newspaper Congress

Welcome addresses by:

Hormusji N. Cama, President, Indian Newspaper Society

Gavin O’Reilly, President, World Association of Newspapers

Presentation of the 2009 WAN Golden Pen of Freedom 
by Xavier Vidal-Folch, President, World Editors Forum

12h00 – 13h45
Opening of Info Services Expo 2009 & Lunch

12h00 – 13h45
WEF meets Arundhati Roy, the voice of Indian social activism
Exclusive lunch for Forum participants. Attendance limited to pre-registered participants.
First floor of the Convention Centre. Entry 1.02

14h00 – 14h40
World Trends in the Newspaper Industry: 
An Update
Timothy Balding, Chief Executive Officer, WAN
(Joint session with the World Newspaper Congress)

15h00 – 16h00
Exclusive survey released at the opening session 

Tailoring your digital offerings to reader behaviour

Cases I Associats is one of the main consultancy firms for redesigning newspapers and reorganizing newsrooms. For the first time, the company´s knowledge – and e-knowledge – will be available for a large audience of editors. Cases I Associats will provide its unique insights into how news is consumed and read online, challenging conventional wisdom and allowing editors-in-chief to adapt their online newsroom workflow.

Presentation by:
Iñaki Palacios and Francisco Amaral, Directors, Cases I Associats

Coffee break


16h15 – 17h45
Panel 1

future of journalism vs. future of the newspaper

Is quality journalism possible without a print edition? Is there a future for newspapers without breaking news, reporters and investigative journalists? Are shrinking newsrooms the main threat for quality journalism? In the digital age, is the future of journalism linked to the future of newspapers?

With a panel of five major editors-in-chief from around the world.
Jaideep Bose, Editor-in-chief, Times of India, India
James Orr, Online News Editor, The Christian Science Monitor, USA
Alan Rusbridger, Editor-in-chief, The Guardian, UK
Mahfuz Anam, Editor-in-chief, The Daily Star, Bangladesh

Xavier Vidal-Folch, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, El Pais, Spain

Other panelist to be announced

Dinner and entertainment at the 
Boulder Hills Golf Course
(With the World Newspaper Congress)

Wednesday 2 December

8h00 – 9h30
Second editors breakfast 
`WEF and SAFMA meet Pakistani and South Asian editors´
Chairman: Imtiaz Alam, General Secretary of the South Asian Free Media Association (SAFMA)
With the participation of the International Institute for Journalism
. Attendance limited to pre-registered participants.
First floor of the Convention Center, Entry 1.02

9h15 – 10h45
First Session

integrated newsrooms: new workflow, new storytelling,
new positions

Print and online integration has swept the newspaper industry. What are the new strategic jobs and positions that editors-in-chief must fill? How have different newspapers worldwide adapted their workflow to the 24 hour newsroom?

Neil Benson, Editorial Director, regionals division, Trinity Mirror, UK
Kate Marymont, vice president/News, Gannett, USA
Marco Pratellesi, Editor-in-Chief, Corriere della Sera online, Italy

David Brewer, Media Strategy Consultant and Director of Media Ideas International, UK

Coffee break

11h00 – 12h30
Panel 2

is investigative journalism giving up on newspapers?

Shrinking newsrooms are not a good sign for investigative journalists. How can journalists remain the watchdogs of democracy? Can online operations replace “good old-fashioned journalism”? Do fewer journalists mean less investigative journalism?

Nick Davies, Senior Reporter, The Guardian, UK
Paul Steiger, Editor-in-Chief and Founder,, USA
Harinder Baweja, Co-Editor-in-Chief, Tehelka, India
Martin Moore, Project Manager, Transparent Journalism (Knight News Challenge winner in 2008), UK

Aroon Purie
, Chairman & Editor-in-Chief, The India Today Group, India

12h30 – 14h00

WEF meets Narayana Murthy, Chairman of the Board and Chief Mentor, Infosys – the second largest IT company in India – and one of the country’s most prominent corporate leaders
Exclusive lunch for Forum participants. Attendance limited to pre-registered participants.
First floor of the Convention Centre. Entry 1.02

14h00 – 15h30

entrepreneurial journalism: the growing influence of
online-only news 

More and more online ventures are being launched by former editors-in-chief. It happened in the US, in Europe and also in emerging markets. Why not you? But don´t forget that future entrepreneurs are more likely to break from the lower ranks, frustrated at the inability of their superiors to embrace the opportunities available online.

Rafat Ali, CEO and Founder,, USA
Frédéric Filloux, Editor, Schibsted International, France
Chris Alden, CEO, Six Apart, USA (to be confirmed)Other speaker to be announced


Coffee break

16h00 – 17h30
Third Session 

bridging the digital media divide: the experience of emerging countries and why it will impact mature markets

Lessons from the world´s fastest growing newspaper industries in India and South Asia, China and Brazil. Why online and mobile developments also boost print operations. And how mature markets can learn from these experiences.


Rajesh Kalra, Editor-in-chief, Times Internet, Times of India, India
Walter de Mattos, Editor-in-chief, Lance, Brazil
Guy Berger, Project Manager, News is Coming (Knight News Challenge winner in 2008, South Africa

Ravi Venkatesan, Chairman, Microsoft India, India

Other speakers to be announced

16h00 – 17h30
Panel 3 running in parallel 
(in the second Editors Forum hall)

more women editors-in-chief = more readers?

Not only are more and more women reading news, they sometimes surpass male readership. But although women journalists and heads of department are more and more common, very few become editor-in-chief. How can women break the glass ceiling of the newsroom hierarchy? Does female readership depend on female leadership?

Ferial Haffajee, Editor-in-Chief, Mail & Guardian, South Africa
Alexandra Föderl-Schmid, Editor-in-Chief, Der Standard, Austria

Bachi Karkaria, Consulting Editor, Times of India, India

Other speaker to be announced

19h00 – 22h00
Buffet, workshops and entertainment at the Microsoft India Development Center,
one of the largest outside the US.

Through the evening Microsoft will showcase the innovative work that is coming out of its R & D facilities in India. This country due to its unique market conditions represents the challenges of the emerging markets and therefore is home to many technologies being developed specifically for emerging markets. The showcase will bring to life for us, through interactive demos, some exciting current technologies and some future technologies, especially trends that will impact our world of communications.

Attendance limited to pre-registered participants. Bus leaving the Convention Centre at 18h00 and coming back to the hotels at 22h30.

Thursday 3 December

8h15 – 9h25
Fourth Session 

shrinking newsrooms: is editorial outsourcing the solution?

Less staff means more content from outside or abroad. How are some newspapers saving money without sacrificing quality journalism, and what are the limits, as well as the pros and cons, of editorial outsourcing?


Stella Dawson, Editor, Treasury News, Reuters
Arun Jethmalani, CEO, ValueNotes, India
Tony Joseph, CEO and Co-Founder, Mindworks Global Media Services, India

Other speakers to be announced

9h30 – 10h30
Fifth Session 

personalized news: what is possible today… and tomorrow? Forget mass media products. Think niches and personalization to keep your readers tuned in. Some new technological developments will allow readers to receive only the news they want. But is personalized news the future of information?


Freddy Mini, CEO, Netvibes, France & USA
Jan Bierhoff, Associate Professor, Zuyd University, The Netherlands

Laura Oliver, Senior Reporter,, UK

Other speakers to be announced

Coffee break

10h45 – 12h00 
2009 Global Report on Innovations in Newspapers by the
Innovation International Media Consulting Group
(Joint session with the World Newspaper Congress)

12h10 – 12h50 
WEF Annual General Meeting
Including the election of new World Editors Forum members and the vote for new WEF guidelines
(open to all participants)

13h00 – 14h20
`WEF meets Anand G. Mahindra, vice chairman and CEO of one of India’s largest conglomerates, with interests in automotive, real estate, hospitality, outsourcing, finance and football
Exclusive lunch. Attendance limited to pre-registered participants.
First floor of the Convention Center, Entry 1.02 

14h30 – 15h30
Sixth Session
visual journalism: the rise of infographics
and non narrative news

Newspaper design and infographics are more and more important in an increasingly visual world. Participants will learn from the best examples of 2008´s print and online redesigns and get an in-depth look at the best in non-narrative news.

Alberto Cairo, Professor of Visual Journalism, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Joerdis Guzman Bulla, Art Director, Welt am Sonntag, Germany
Robb Montgomery, Editor-in-Chief and Founder,, USAOther speakers to be announced

15h30 – 16h45
Seventh Session 

how to set up a web tv team within your newsroom

Tips for getting quality production without spending a fortune, from two newspapers that have already launched their own Web TV. In some competitive markets, Web TVs are a solution. What does it take to set one up?

Matt Kelly, Associate Editor, Daily Mirror and, UK
Anders Refnov, Web TV manager, Ekstrabladet, Denmark
Espen Egil Hansen, Editor-in-Chief, VG, Norway
Antoni Esteve, Director, Lavinia, Spain (to be confirmed)
Jessica Mayberry, Project Manager, Video Volunteers (Knight News Challenge winner in 2008, India & USA

Jayant Mammen Mathew, 
Deputy Editor, Malayala Manorama, India


Other speakers to be announced

15h30 – 16h45
Panel 4 running in parallel 
(in the second Editors Forum hall)

ethics: is digital news changing journalistic standards and values?

Immediacy vs. Quality? Who checks news submitted by readers? Pre- or post-moderation of readers´ comments? Are ombudsmen becoming readers´ editors? Is online advertising blurring the line with content? Can digital media maintain the traditional principles and values of quality journalism?

Howard Finberg, Director, Interactive Learning & News University, Poynter Institute, USA
Gerfried Sperl, Media Consultant and Columnist, Austria
Stephen Pritchard, Readers’ Editor, The Observer, UK & President of the Organization of News Ombudsmen (ONO)
Philippe Karsenty, CEO and founder, Media-Ratings, France

Yazur Baïdar, Readers´ Editor & Ombudsman, Sabah, Turkey

Gala dinner and entertainment at the Chowmohalla Palace
With the World Newspaper Congress