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Round Tables

As usual, the 62nd Congress and 16th Editors Forum will kick off with the three annual WAN round table conferences:

Monday 30 November, 14h30 - 17h30:

The Annual Press Freedom Round Table

Free Press:  What Good Is a Mission Without a Business?

Newspapers with a mission but with no business plan or development strategy are invariably doomed to failure and bankruptcy.

The challenge to establish a free press that can play its full role in democracy and good governance is as much commercial and economic as it is one of editorial freedom.

If newspapers cannot sustain themselves financially, if they cannot invest in ideas, innovations, plans and people, they will not only lose relevance and substance and fail to find a wide audience, but they will also become vulnerable to undue interference.

Is the failure in so many countries to meet business imperatives endangering the development towards a free press? Can newspapers report critically and hold those in power to account if both their management and finances cannot resist pressure?  Can press freedom flourish and stand firm on the ground of human rights conventions, or does it need commercial success too?  And, if so, how can this be achieved?

Those are among the questions that will be addressed at the 2009 press freedom round table.

Chair: Sasa Vucinic, Managing Director of Media Development Loan Fund (MDLF).

Confirmed speakers include:
- Irina Samokhina, CEO of Krestyanin, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

- Chris Elliott, Managing Editor, The Guardian, United Kingdom

- Trevor Ncube, Chairman of the Board of Mail & Guardian, South Africa

- Ahmed Benchemsi, Publisher, Tel Quel and Nichane, Morocco

- Najam Sethi, Editor-in-Chief, Friday Times and Daily Times, Pakistan

- Bambang Harymurti, CEO, Tempo, Jakarta, Indonesia

- Joze Ruben Zamora, Publisher of El Periodico, Guatemala

 The round table is supported by the Open Society Media Program (OSI).

The Annual Digital Media Round Table

The Internet - A maturing medium?

A sure sign of emerging maturity in a medium is when clients, especially advertisers, begin to question their investments, demanding more information on results and how to leverage revenues and audiences across channels. This is the situation now challenging our digital platforms. This year´s round table examines the latest issues as the digital market comes of age.

Making the most of mobile
How big a revenue contributor will mobile become for newspaper companies? 
What are the implications of 4G devices for content consumption and the future of news publishing?
- Martha Stone, Director - Shaping the Future of the Newspaper Project, WAN-IFRA

New digital business models for newspaper publishers
The digital business model for newspaper publishers?  A review of the business model options in the new digital world
- Professor Stephen Quinn, Australia

Will E-Readers change the publishing business?
The new electronic reading devices make it necessary to build a strategy for regional and local newspapers that includes both the traditional newspaper and the business model for e-reading. The speaker gives examples of how to use e-reading and social networks in an integrated strategy to increase profitability.
- Are Stokstad, Executive Vice President, A-Pressen, Norway

The new newsroom part 1 - 'Multimedia newsroom; an integrated experience'
How the premium Russian and international news service Ria Novosti embraced multimedia convergence and integrated their news activity across channels. A report on the highs, lows and the important benefits.
- Valery Levchenko, Director, Ria Novosti, Russia

The new newsroom part 2 - 'Multimedia newsroom; digital strategies'
Newsroom strategies in a digital environment, a special WAN-IFRA report detailing the route to successful multimedia publishing
- Dietmar Schantin, Director, WAN-IFRA

Multimedia advertising sales - how to build multimedia advertising revenues
Building a new 'multimedia capable' advertising sales operation. This analysis of best practice will include: organisation, skills, metrics, processes and how to change the culture of the sales team
- Eamonn Byrne, Director, WAN-IFRA

The Annual Young Reader Round Table

Winning strategies for engaging the young - especially in hard times

This year's session will offer new ideas for engaging with sport, for re-engaging parents and for some low-cost multi-platform ideas you can start tomorrow, including the launch of your own targeted social network for youth. We will honor a new World Young Reader Prize winner from India and offer past champions from other countries as personal coaches for Congress and Forum participants.

NOTE: The session will offer simultaneous translation in Spanish and English.

Moderator: Ms. A. T. Jayanti, Editor, Deccan Chronicle, India

Engaging with sport
sport_lance.jpgNewspapers are building loyalty among youth, their teachers and their parents through new sports strategies on multiple platforms. We will look at several of the latest success stories on multiple platforms, including efforts that have won WAN-IFRA´s World Young Reader Prize. We will also offer a preview of free materials for the new version of our World Football Reading Passport, an educational, fun insert WAN-IFRA will offer newspapers in 2010.

- Eduardo Tironi, executive editor multimedia editor, Lance!, the Brazilian sports media group

- Rosarita Cuccoli, secretary general, International Association of Sports Newspapers, France

- Gerard van der Weijden, inventor, World Newspaper Reading Passport and World Football Reading Passport, STEPP, Belgium and Lisa Blakeway, EISH, South Africa.

Re-engaging the parents
mom_is_cool.jpgRecent research confirms that parents, especially mothers, are still the most important influence on whether or not a child starts reading a newspaper - on whatever platform - in the crucial formative years before age 13. We´ll examine some of the best new practice in making that connection, and tell you about the free materials we will make available for an "Internet in the Family" guide that newspapers can offer readers in collaboration with some new kinds of supporters.

- François Dufour, World Young Reader Prize winner, editor, My Weekly, Mon Petit Quotidien, Mon Quotidien, l´Actu and l´Actu-Eco, France

- Lisa Blakeway, two-time World Young Reader Prize winner, executive director, EISH (Educational Improvement and Study Help), South Africa

Low and no-cost activity you can start tomorrow

At home, in school and elsewhere, newspapers are finding ways to engage the young ways that do not demand high costs. At this session, you will learn about many of them, including how to set up a targeted online youth network for less than 300 Euros.

- Sandra Della Giustina, World Young Reader Prize winner, founder MI* Network, Argentina, and coordinator, WAN-IFRA World Young Reader Network.

- Aralynn McMane, WAN-IFRA executive director for young readership development

The World Young Reader Prize
WYRPoriginal300DPIon_white1lt.jpgWe will award a 2008 Special Jury Commendation for Public Service to Jacob Mathew, editor and publisher, Malayala Manorama, India, presented by Timothy Balding, co-CEO, World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers. Participants will receive a DVD with details about all 2009 prize winners.




Meet the experts
-- and talk later
Three  experts on young readership development (pictured above) will be made available to participants during the Congress and Editors Forum. Meet them at the round table - or visit the WAN-IFRA Young Reader Advice stand in the Expo

norske_skog_3cm.jpgThe round table and expert consultations are supported by Norske Skog, the Norway-based global paper producer, as part of its partnership in WAN-IFRA´s Young Readership Development activities.